Calluses of Poetry
Spoken word and music (Physical CD)
$10.00 plus shipping and handling
Jack Collom (Poetry)
Ken Bernstein (Guitar and Snake Music)
Album art and design: Tree Bernstein
Song poems:
You Senryu
Letter with Upped Parameter
Sestina: Peromyscus
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Fractal Freeway
Phone Number
Thursday Work Notes
“A False Beginning”
Band of Paint Colors
Bosky Dell
A Preface to Surroundings
Birds of El Vado, Summer
from Dog Sonnets
The Pine-tree Song
About the Album and Authors
This album is a collection of poems written and spoken by Jack Collom put to music written and performed by Ken Bernstein.
John Aldridge "Jack" Collom was an American poet, essayist, and creative writing pedagogue. Included among the twenty-five books he published during his lifetime were Red Car Goes By: Selected Poems 1955–2000; Poetry Everywhere: Teaching Poetry Writing in School and in the Community; and Second Nature, which won the 2013 Colorado Book Award for Poetry. In the fields of education and creative writing, he was involved in eco-literature, ecopoetics, and writing instruction for children.
Ken Bernstein is a musician and visual artist. He plays in various contemplative music groups. Improvisational music has been a continuing source of inspiration playing in groups such as Coyote Palace, Chairobscuro, Samadhi, and the Boy-Girl Band. He has recorded two albums with the late poet Jack Collom; “Calluses of Poetry” and “Colors Born of Shadow” two albums with the BoyGirl Band; “Down the Corridor” and “ “Mindbender” and two albums of contemplative Kirtan music; “Passage”; and “Healing”.